Ossouli, Farah
Born in 1953, Zanjan, Iran
Education:1971 Diploma in painting, Girl’s School of Fine Arts, Tehran
1977 B.A in graphic design, Faculty of Fine Arts, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran
Teaching experiences:
1972-1977 Design Studio, Tehran
1981- 1987 Moaser Studio, Tehran
I realized quite early on in my childhood that dolls were not capable of embodying all the tails and personalities I lovingly nurtured in my active imagination.
So I started creating my own characters out of paper and paint, specific to each one of my fantastic stories. I drew them, painted them, cut them out of cardboard, and played with them for hours and days.
After a while, I needed new stories, with new actors. The old cut outs were all thrown away along with the old sagas, only to be replaced by totally new ones. I would start all over again, recreating, redrawing, and repainting bran new characters, in accordance to my new scenarios.
My fondness and fascination for literature and painting grew daily. I felt that these two interests were pulling me in two separate directions.
I was spell bound by the fascinating game of narration mixed with images.
My inner paradise came to a completion when I was capable of uniting these two interests of mine in my work, as a painter, just as I had done so as a child.
The sweet game initiated so joyfully and innocently in my early years continues to live on in me today, expressing itself through my paintings.
I enjoy expressing my personal understanding and interpretation of life and existence through the symbolic characters and stories which I use in my works.